Tuesday, March 31, 2009


So this is how Mother's Day is celebrated at a local restaurant/club. No flowers and breakfast in bed here!!


Sicily has two major "Walmart" like stores. Auchan is kinda like a K-Mart and Carrefour, a major European chain, is like a nice Walmart or a Target. They are nice because they are actually open all day instead of shutting for Riposo (siesta) like all of the small stores. Everyone knows that there are a certain number of layouts for Walmarts right? You can walk in and you immediately know where everything is going to be based on the layout. It's very nice to walk in a huge store in a new town and not have to walk up and down every aisle to find what you want.

Not so much at Auchan. No sir. For one thing, items are VERY seasonal. You want to find an umbrella in February? Sorry. That was a December item. How about a snow sled in January? Nope. Should have bought the one you saw in November. Oh you think that you are going to barbeque because it so nice out this fine February day. You're kidding right?! That stuff is only out during the summer.

So we've adapted and learned that if you see something you anticipate needing, you have to buy it right now. Impulse shopping is the name of the game. Because if you don't, I hope you can wait for next year.

All of that is bad enough. But they also have a compulsive need to rearrange things constantly. We have been going to the same store for almost three years and I still have to wander the aisles to find things. Yesterday, the sporting goods aisle was gardening, the pet food aisle was toothpicks and paper products. The clothes aisle was toys. Now that would be OK if they just had too many employees and needed to find things to do. But no, the cashier lines are always long. Even if the store is empty, they make sure there is only one cashier so you feel like you are there during rush hour. Heaven forbid you get through a line in less than 15 minutes. Sorry, we don't have enough employees to open another line. They are busy moving the electronics over to the cheese aisle!

Gggrrrrr. OIS